Postcards From The Edge

Postcards From The Edge
Tales of (mis)adventure from abroad

In Pursuit of Magic

In Pursuit of Magic

canada stamp

It seems self-evident that experiencing the extraordinary is most easily achieved when deviating from the norm. So we got on the late afternoon ferry to the island—not the one that normally takes visitors there, but the one that retrieves them at the end of the day. That evening, as the thick fog dissipated around us, it slowly revealed what my imagination could only make out to be the mythical world of Middle Earth. And we had it all to ourselves until the next morning’s tourist horde invasion. Apparently, the power to create magical moments only entails a little creativity.


There is one Comment.

  1. comment number 1 by: Heather

    Sounds intriguing like the mystery crime novel by the Scottish author Peter May titled Entry Island.

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