Postcards From The Edge

Postcards From The Edge
Tales of (mis)adventure from abroad



uganda stamp

It had taken several hours to track down this wild group of critically endangered mountain gorillas. I had been observing them from a few meters away for about 30 minutes. Their behavior seemed strangely familiar; I’ve never felt anything quite like it. Suddenly, the loud cracking of branches sent them scattering. It had to be him—fingers crossed. Soon, the dense jungle gave way to a massive 200 kg silverback. He paused and looked around, making sure he was getting the respect he deserved as the dominant male. He then started moving again… in my direction. Not good.


There are 6 comments.

  1. comment number 1 by: Wendy Langdon

    Hi Yannick!
    Happy 2009! I was thrilled to see you back safe and sound.
    Coincidentally, I was catchin up on some reading yesterday, and was learning about the diminishing silverbacks and the efforts to save them. they are magnificent beings.
    Welcome back!
    Best wishes,

  2. comment number 2 by: Yannick

    Thank you Wendy, happy New Year to you too! I’m glad to be safe and sound (although not as glad to be back). 🙂 Wow, interesting coincidence! They truly are magnificent as you say, and it’s a scary thought knowing that there are only about 700 wild mountain gorillas left in the world, and that they are all located within the same, small conflicted region.

  3. comment number 3 by: Tessa

    Hey Yannick,
    Thanks for the post on our blog, nice to hear you are still alive! Sounds like crazy times. Stuck surrounded by hippos and with no food or drink? what happened there? Nick was playing soccer again two days after you left us- we think the prophylaxis made the malaria short and sharp. We are still loving it here in Kisiizi, and battle through some challenges…
    Great site, will drop in again!

  4. comment number 4 by: Yannick

    Glad to hear Nick got out of it after I left the village. Yeah, that mention in the article is another crazy story. I got lost in the bush for 2 days, one of the toughest moments of my life. I plan to publish a postcard about it at some point. Anyways keep up the good work at the hospital, you guys are doing an amazing job.

  5. comment number 5 by: walter marcantoni

    I finally found the postcard in the junk section of my e-mails. Great picture, and I imagine a wonderful experience. Nice to see you back safe and sound, and making sure no leftover food is available following lucnheons.

  6. comment number 6 by: Yannick

    Here, meet the rest of the family:


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