Postcards From The Edge

Postcards From The Edge
Tales of (mis)adventure from abroad

A Masterpiece

A Masterpiece

canada stamp

Sure, the plan was ambitious, most actually called it ridiculous. But for me, figuring out the logistics of cycling, hiking and packrafting 1,000 self-supported kilometers towards the Arctic Circle, is an art form. Two weeks after having bought two cheap department store bicycles, here we were, lost in the wilderness, 24 hours behind schedule, and running uncomfortably low on food. I welcomed the challenge, in fact, I needed it. What followed was a race against time that had us hike 14-hour days, cross waist-high swamps, and bushwhack our way using only a paper map. I savoured every moment.


There are 3 comments.

  1. comment number 1 by: Jocelyne

    I always knew you were missing a few marbles!

  2. comment number 2 by: Alex

    amazing, Yannick, as always!!

  3. comment number 3 by: Kathleen

    Ha!! Craziness! 😉

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